
Myth #1

If I build in a National Register historic district I have to apply the same architectural style to my new home as what exists in the district.  I can’t build a contemporary home in a National Register Historic district…….

Wrong!   Especially in a National Register historic district like Laurel Park that has no one era or year of historical importance.  The neighborhood developed over decades (1920-1957) as did its architectural styles.   New construction offers an exceptional opportunity to add yet another type of architecture and new character.


Photo credit:


An exceptional new home in Laurel Park sensitively scaled to its neighbors.


Myth #2

National Register Districts restrict a property owner…………..

Wrong!  Designation as a National Register historic district is honorific. It is our country’s way of recognizing significant sites and neighborhoods throughout the United States that merit preservation.

National Register district designation does not protect or preserve a property.   It places no restrictions on the properties within a district. Owners are free to build, remodel, renovate, sell or even demolish their structures.

Regulations and restrictions on changes to a historic property come from state and or local governments adopting statutes or ordinances and designating National Register districts as “local” historic districts.


In Sarasota, Florida there are eight National Register of Historic Places districts  within  the city.  Of those eight, only one, Rigby’s La Plaza District, is designated a local district and regulated by city ordinance.

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